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LinkedIn started harvesting people's posts for training AI without asking for opt-in
66 comment bubble on white
You'll have to opt out if you don't like it – EU and a few others excepted
Simon Sharwood
Thu 19 Sep 2024 // 02:08 UTC

LinkedIn started harvesting user-generated content to train its AI without asking for permission, angering netizens.

Microsoft’s self-help network on Wednesday published a "trust and safety" update in which senior veep and general counsel Blake Lawit revealed LinkedIn's use of people's posts and other data for both training and using its generative AI features.

In doing so, he said the site's privacy policy had been updated. We note this policy links to an FAQ that was updated sometime last week also confirming the automatic collecting of posts for training – meaning it appears LinkedIn started gathering up content for its AI models, and opting in users, well before Lawit’s post and the updated privacy policy advised of the changes today.

The FAQ says the site's built-in generative AI features may use your personal info to do things like automatically suggest stuff to write if and when you ask it to; and that your data will be used to train the models behind those features, which you'll have to opt out of if you don't like it.

We're also told that using LinkedIn means the outfit will “collect and use (or process) data about your use of the platform, including personal data … your posts and articles, how frequently you use LinkedIn, your language preference, and any feedback you may have provided to our teams.”

There’s some good news for users in the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein (both of them!) and Switzerland as their data isn’t being used to train LinkedIn's AI at all and won't for the foreseeable future.

The document also states that LinkedIn seeks “to minimize personal data in the datasets used to train the models, including by using privacy enhancing technologies to redact or remove personal data from the training dataset.”

But the FAQ also contains the following warning that the system may provide someone else's info if asked in a certain way:

Members or customers may provide personal data as an input to a generative AI powered feature, which could result in personal data being provided as an output. For example, if a member used our generative AI ”Writing Suggestions” feature to help write an article about the best advice they got from their mentors, they may include the names of those mentors in the input.

The resulting output from the generative AI ”Writing Suggestions” feature may include those names, which that member can edit or revise before deciding to post.

The Microsoft social media outfit also last week emitted an article titled: “Control whether LinkedIn uses your data to train generative AI models that are used for content creation on LinkedIn.” That text explains how it’s possible to opt out of AI scraping, and points to setting called Data for Generative AI Improvement that offers a single button marked: “Use my data for training content creation AI models.”

That button is in the “On” position until users move it to “Off.”

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Big Tech has mostly used a 'scrape first, settle the lawsuits for a pittance later' approach to finding the content it needs to develop AI models. Forget about the concept of begging for forgiveness rather than asking for permission – neither question is asked at all.

LinkedIn could not have been unaware of the likely backlash, making its approach curious.

User anger cannot therefore be surprising. On LinkedIn it's not hard to find the service's move described as a breach of trust, along with a rash of posts advising users how to turn off the scraping.

Which thankfully isn't hard to do: Click on your LinkedIn Profile, select "Settings" then "Data Privacy" and look for an item labelled "Data for Generative AI improvement." Click the single button there to opt out, then go back to wading through the rest of LinkedIn. ®

In our Privacy Policy, we have added language to clarify how we use the information you share with us to develop the products and services of LinkedIn and its affiliates, including by training AI models used for content generation (“generative AI”) and through security and safety measures.
Effectivement, c'est même mieux que du Orange pro 8Gb/s.

Le réseau Free doit bien évolué !
Free Débits fibre Free / checkFtthFree (test de débit TCP mono-connexion Freebox/Cubic/BBR)
« Dernier message par ouno le Aujourd'hui à 11:58:49 »
Merci, j'ai rarement vu des débits aussi élevés en mono-connexion !

C'est même surprenant d'obtenir 994.73 Mo/s (7.96 Gbps) avec une connexion 8Gbps sachant que checkFtthFree mesure le débit utile, et d'autant plus en IPv4 puisque chez Free l'IPv4 est encapsulé dans l'IPv6 :o
fibre Installation de la fibre / Installation fibre dans maison neuve à étage
« Dernier message par markftth le Aujourd'hui à 11:55:26 »

Thank you for sharing your situation, and I'm glad to hear that the forum has been helpful to you in the past. It sounds like you're at an important juncture with your new fiber installation, and I can understand your concerns about optimizing your network setup.

Here are some suggestions based on your questions:

    Using a Router with More Ports:
        If you replace the Freebox with a router that has at least 6 RJ45 ports, you can connect all your wired devices directly. This would allow you to place the router in a more central location in your house, improving both wired and wireless coverage. Make sure to check with your ISP (Free) to see if they allow third-party routers and how to configure it properly.

    Using the Freebox with a Central Access Point:
        If you decide to keep the Freebox in the garage, you could connect it to a high-performance access point (AP) in the central part of your house. This AP can provide strong Wi-Fi coverage throughout your home. Look for an AP that supports high speeds (like 3000Mb/s) and has good range.

    Relocating the Freebox:
        If possible, you could request the installation team to move the Freebox to a more central location in your house. This might involve running an RJ45 cable from the garage to the living area. It’s worth asking if they can do this during the installation.

    Consider a Switch:
        If you stick with the Freebox in the garage, you could use an Ethernet switch to expand the number of available ports. Connect the switch to one of the Freebox's Ethernet ports, and then connect your devices to the switch. This way, you can utilize more than the 4 ports available on the Freebox.

    Wi-Fi Extenders or Mesh Systems:
        If you find that the Wi-Fi signal is weak in certain areas, consider using Wi-Fi extenders or a mesh Wi-Fi system. Mesh systems are particularly effective in larger homes, as they provide seamless coverage by using multiple nodes.

    Consult with a Professional:
        If you're unsure about the best setup, it might be worth consulting with a networking professional. They can assess your home layout and provide tailored recommendations.

Ultimately, the best solution will depend on your specific needs, the layout of your home, and your budget. I hope these suggestions help you make an informed decision!

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
J'ai changé de forfait mobile fin Juin et j'ai recu aujourd'hui le mail en question mais dans les spam
J'ai basculé début Août sur un forfait Red by SFR (celui à 7,99 € pour 100 Go), je n'ai rien reçu en terme de comm de leur part sur ce sujet, ou pas encore...
[Edit] Ah ben si, reçu aujourd'hui, il était passé dans les Spams  ;D
Je viens de recevoir leur mail pour une commande effectuée en juin mais uniquement d'un forfait, la fuite semble un peu plus large que mentionnée et ne concerne pas que les commandes de mobiles.
Isère (38) / Réseau d'Initiative Publique - Isère THD
« Dernier message par Pahtath le Aujourd'hui à 11:20:41 »
Sur le Versoud, blocage OI de tout un PM, cela fait désormais 3 mois et XPFibre annonce un retard d'un mois encore...
J'ai l'impression de revivre 2019 et le pire c'est que bien étant fibré depuis 2020, ma connexion fibre est coupée et je suis obligé de repasser en ADSL le temps du blocage.

Désormais, il ne convient plus de compter les prises restantes en attente de fibrage, mais aussi les prises fibrées qui redeviennent inéligibles...

Si d'aventure quelqu'un pouvait fournir les IPE de mardi, ça serait cool.

Même si le PBO est déjà posé, ça ne change rien au délai

La seule indication intéressante ce serait d'avoir accès dans l'IPE au champ "DateCablageAdresse" qui renseigne de la date prévisionnelle de fin de travaux pour le RAD : par défaut elle est mise à +6 mois de la commmande et ensuite ajustée en fct de l'avancement des travaux
Ce champ impacte tous les autres champs important pour le processus de commercialisation des OCs : dateacceptationCMD, etc...

En pratique, le champ DateCablageAdresse ne sera probablement pas MAJ par les OIs, c'est trop galère à suivre ...

Petite nouveauté que j'avais raté : RADTarificationSpecifique a fait son entrée dans les IPEs
Auparavant, les OIs se mettait d'accord contractuellement "de façon global" mais j'ai l'impression que les derniers accords entre OIs peuvent maintenant séparer la notion de RAD "classique" et de RAD "compliqué" de facto avec un surcout à la production pour ces derniers ...

Je pense que ça risque de limiter la proposition de commande pour certains logements chez les OCs jusqu'à la mise en place d'un processus où les particuliers concernés devront payer le supplément

Merci encore pour ces conseils !

Concernant mon voisin : il n'est jamais là !
Je l'ai vu une fois en 8 ans...
Il possède plusieurs propriétés en France et loue celle-ci à la semaine.

Je prends note des autres suggestions.
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