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fibre Raccordement de l'immeuble a la fibre / En cours de déploiement, mais depuis quand?
« Dernier message par Ceyfi le Aujourd'hui à 21:05:56 »
Bonjour à tous,

Je suis à la recherche d'infos concernant un déploiement, j'ai déménagé dans un nouveau logement, lors de la visite j'ai constaté la présence d'un boitier fibre à mon étage, je ne me suis donc pas inquiété et ai bêtement procédé à mon déménagement sans vérifier l'éligibilité effective.

Je suis un peu surpris (et carrément déçu) de ne pouvoir souscrire qu'à des offres ADSL de 5 à 12Mbps chez Free/Orange/Bytel  :-\
Orange ne me propose même pas la télévision dans ses offre et SFR ne me propose carrément aucune offre.

Il semble que les trois montées de la copropriété soient équipé de fibre "en cours de déploiement" et j'ai peur que cela soit le cas depuis plusieurs années sans en avoir la certitude.

Je suis donc à la recherche d'informations et en particulier :
- Quand est-ce que l'immeuble a été équipé en vertical?
- Pourquoi aucun opérateur ne commercialise actuellement d'offre fibre sur mon immeuble?

Les infos que j'ai actuellement :
- L'OI est XpFibre
- L'immeuble est équipe d'un boitier qui porte la mention "PAI" au RDC dans la cage d'escalier
    - Supposition : Une gaine 24 fibres arrive dans ce boitier et une autre repart vers les étages
- Deux boitiers "PE1" et "PE2" sont présents aux étages 1/4 et 3/4
    - Chacun de ces deux boitiers accueille 4+4 fibres réparties sur deux cassettes (Probablement 1 cassette par étage soit 1 fibre par appartement)
- Du côté de l'ARCEP j'ai sur leur carte :
    - Identifiant immeuble IPE : ID-3815800000NG
    - PM de rattachement : FI-38158-0009
    - Début délai complétude : 2018-03-29
    - Opérateur d’infrastructure : XP Fibre
    - État immeuble : programmé
    - PM de rattachement : FI-38158-0009
- Du côté XPFibre j'ai ces infos en plus
    - Etat du déploiement : En cours de déploiement
    - MES Commerciale des copros voisines (Bâtiment et garages dans lesquels passent la fibre en communs) : 23/5/2020; 30/6/2021;
    - Les locaux commerciaux du RDC de mon immeuble sont également éligibles

Dans les garages au sous-sol 2 gaines fibres arrivent depuis la plaque de rue :
- Une gaine blanche avec étiquette blanche sans inscription, étiquettes blanches qu'on retrouve dans les étages de mon immeuble.
- Une gaine bleue 12FO SFR, BRE_38158_262-FT / ID 155200 NAVISTA, mais qui semble longer la première gaine sous mon immeuble sans interruption direction la copro suivante.

Pour le moment j'ai contacté orange et Free qui m'ont indiqué ne pas encore commercialiser l'immeuble et m'inscrire sur leur liste d'intérêt
J'ai également contacté XpFibre pour leur demander ou en est le projet.
J'ai également pris contact avec le syndic de copro pour obtenir des infos.

A noter qu'aucun habitant de l'immeuble ne semble raccordé, aucune fibre ne part de ces boitiers.
Je vous tiendrais au courant dès que j'en croise un pour lui demander si il a des infos.

Je suis assez halluciné de constater que dans une agglo comme celle de Grenoble, qui plus est dans une des parties les plus denses, certains locaux soient encore raccordés en ADSL de qualité médiocre qui plus est…

Est-ce que vous auriez une idée d'où glaner plus d'infos?

Je croise les doigts pour que l'offre 5G d'orange fasse le job temporairement mais j'aimerais que cela reste temporaire.

Merci pour votre aide ;)
Free Free Pro / Free Pro à fuir
« Dernier message par xp25 le Aujourd'hui à 20:31:35 »
Dès le lancement c'était déjà la plus grosse douille du secteur !

La concurrence en rit encore  ;D

Le multi-ligne VOIP a mit des mois à sortir de son trou alors que franchement en 2 jours, n'importe qu'elle nœud en Trunk SIP te lance le service (Iliad/Free/Jaguar, leur métier c'est opérateur, on le rappel)  ::)
Le Backup 4G est ce qu'Orange a sorti en 2016 avec sa LB4, un truc merdique ::)
Le site d'assistance ne t'apprend rien sur les fonctionnalités essentielles pour un professionnel, c'est un fouillis, les  captures d'écrans sont en 144p, tu vois rien !

J'ai mis des semaines à trouver le nombre d'appels simultanés par ligne SIP (spoiler = 2 (et tu peux pas en ajouter), Waouh t'en fais des choses avec) ::)

Tout se gère à distance, ils ont repiqué le modèle de la Freebox v5  ::)
Tu pouvais pas changer l'adresse du routeur, bloqué dans un

Et le fameux raccordement soit disant fait par des cadors dédiés Free Pro, enfaite t'as le même reconverti sorti du RSA qui vient te brancher après sa 15ème inter de la journée (et 2 RDV annulés alors que tu avais bloqué ta journée) qui te met sur le même splitter qu'un abonné GP ::)

ET là c'est qu'un échantillon, je parle même pas des batards tiers vendeurs qui te mettent un engagement de 3 ans alors que de base c'est sans engagement !

Tout est consigné ici dans ces murs dans cette rubrique !

Oui vive Free Pro, on applaudit bien fort la révolution !

Fuyez pauvre fous !
De plus, les conseils départementaux et régionaux pourront être saisis pour subventionner ce type d'infrastructure si cela concerne des poches de populations (certains hameaux reculés etc.)

Certainement pas dans l'Orne en tout cas ;)
Blue Networks Technologies Blue Networks Technologies / couper à St Martin de Londres
« Dernier message par buddy le Aujourd'hui à 20:16:03 »
Si je comprends bien cette suite.
La fibre départementale conduite par NumHérault et opérée par xpfibre/SFR passe à St Martin par un DSLAM Free qui est tombé en panne lundi midi.
Comme a son habitude free a mis presque 48h à trouver une solution (remplacement du matériel je suppose.

attention, personne n'a dit que la fibre passait par le DSLAM de Free ou autre.
Simplement les 2 étaient en panne sur la même période.

Il y a plusieurs solutions
- SFR et Free passent par le même prestataire qui a eu une panne
- Free passe par SFR (et SFR a eu une panne nécessitant 48h de réparation)
- SFR passe par Free (et free a eu une panne nécessitant 48h de réparation)
- autre ?

Si tu veux un réseau bien redonder, tu as Orange qui relie généralement des 2 côtés chaque NRO/NRA. Donc il faut une double coupure pour isoler un NRO/NRA
... suite ...

*) qos-hw - allow to set queue-buffers in bytes, percent or auto;
*) qos-hw - enabling ECN forces WRED (unless share is disabled);
*) qos-hw - fixed egress-rate limit validation;
*) qos-hw - fixed global buffer limits for 98DX8212 and 98DX8332 switches;
*) qos-hw - fixed WRED thresholds;
*) qos-hw - improved behavior when changing ports tx-manger;
*) qos-hw - limit WRED to queues with enabled shared buffers;
*) queue - improved system stability;
*) quickset - removed Basic AP mode;
*) rose-storage - fixed "/file sysnc status" parameter to be read-only;
*) rose-storage - moved "/rsync-daemon" to "/file rsync-daemon;
*) rose-storage - renamed sync "remote-addr" property to "remote-address";
*) route - added ability to redistribute isis routes;
*) route - fixed incorrectly handled route distinguisher and route targets (introduced in v7.15);
*) route - fixed memory leak (introduced in v7.15);
*) route - fixed some missing route parameters when printing (introduced in v7.15);
*) route - improved route attribute handling (may increase memory usage);
*) route - improved routing table update performance;
*) route - improved stability when getting entries from large routing tables;
*) route - place static route in the correct VRF when vrf-interface parameter is used;
*) route - rename route type from is-is to isis;
*) routerboard - improved Etherboot stability for CRS320-8P-8B-4S+ device ("/system routerboard upgrade" required);
*) routerboard - improved Etherboot stability for IPQ-40xx devices ("/system routerboard upgrade" required);
*) routerboot - improved boot process ("/system routerboard upgrade" required);
*) rpki - fixed preference sorting;
*) sfp - fixed calculated link length based on EEPROM in certain cases;
*) sfp - fixed missing traffic after reboot with S-RJ01 module running at 10/100 Mbps rate on CCR2004-16G-2S+ device;
*) sfp - fixed SFP28 interface with fec74 mode on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe device;
*) sfp - fixed SFP28 jumbo frame processing on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe device;
*) sms - added polling setting so that RouterOS itself checks SMS instead of relying on URC messages;
*) snmp - added support for KNOT BG77 modem cellular signal info;
*) snmp - fixed LAST-UPDATED format in MIKROTIK-MIB;
*) ssh - fixed SSH cryptographic accelerator selection for GCM cipher (introduced in v7.14);
*) ssh - fixed unsupported user SSH public key import (introduced in v7.15);
*) ssh - improved system stability when SSH tries to bind to non-existing interface;
*) supout - added detnet section;
*) supout - added monitor command for all wifi interfaces;
*) supout - added netwatch section;
*) supout - added user SSH keys section;
*) supout - increased console output width;
*) supout - limit address-list and connection tracking entries to 999 in supout.rif;
*) supout - rename "store" section to "disk";
*) switch - fixed an issue where half-duplex links could occupy Tx resources for 98DX8xxx, 98DX4xxx, 98DX325x switch chips;
*) switch - fixed an issue with Ethernet port group hang for CRS354 devices;
*) switch - fixed Ethernet interface counter 32bit overflow for CRS354 devices;
*) switch - fixed limited Tx traffic on Ethernet ports for CRS354 devices (introduced in v7.15);
*) switch - improved switch reset;
*) switch - improved system stability on CCR2116-12G-4S+, CCR2216-1G-12XS-2XQ devices;
*) system - added "clock" logging topic for time change related messages;
*) system - added critical log message when not enough space to store new configuration;
*) system - added log message if device failed to reboot gracefully;
*) system - added more details to user initiated reboot (reset, upgrade, downgrade);
*) system - added support for upgrade over IPv6 network;
*) system - do not cancel package upgrade if another architecture packages found on the router;
*) system - do not download packages scheduled for uninstall;
*) system - do not start IPsec and certificate processes when not necessary;
*) system - fixed "free disk space" error message on system upgrade/downgrade;
*) system - fixed an issue where routing configuration was missing after performing a reset, adding a new configuration and then upgrading (introduced in v7.15);
*) system - fixed empty logs after reboot in certain cases;
*) system - improved internal system services messaging;
*) system - improved performance for TCP input;
*) system - improved reporting of total memory size;
*) system - improved system stability for CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe device;
*) system - improved system stability for RBSXTsq5nD and RBLDF-5nD;
*) system - improved system stability;
*) system - improved watchdog and kernel panic reporting;
*) system - reduced RAM usage for ARM64 devices;
*) system - set flash-boot mode as "boot-device" after system reset initiated by reset button ("/system routerboard upgrade" required);
*) system - set flash-boot mode as "boot-device" after system reset initiated from software;
*) traceroute - do not stop traceroute after 5 consecutive unreachable hops;
*) tunnel - allow specifying IPv6 LL address as "remote-address" for EoIPv6, GRE6 and IPIP6 tunnels;
*) user - added inactivity timeout for non-GUI sessions;
*) user-manager - updated logo;
*) vxlan - added comment support to VTEPs;
*) vxlan - prevent creating multiple VTEPs with same IP/port combination;
*) webfig - allow to enter time that exceeds 23:59:59;
*) webfig - correctly display default value for number type;
*) webfig - enabled hotlock mode for terminal;
*) webfig - fixed an issue where wrong menu title was shown;
*) webfig - fixed issue with incorrectly applying optional fields;
*) webfig - fixed sorting by datetime;
*) webfig - use "any" argument by default for Torch "Port" property;
*) wifi - added "slave-name-format";
*) wifi - added interface provisioning logs;
*) wifi - adjusted virtual interface naming when provisioning local radios;
*) wifi - do not allow frequency-scan on virtual interfaces;
*) wifi - do not unset radio-mac and master-interface properties on reset;
*) wifi - enable creating virtual wifi interfaces using "copy-from" setting;
*) wifi - fixed packet receive when having multiple station interfaces;
*) wifi - fixed signal strength reporting during association (introduced in v7.15);
*) wifi - fixed typo in log message;
*) wifi - improve regulatory compliance for Chateau ax devices;
*) wifi - improved interface stability when receiving invalid FT authentication frames;
*) wifi - improved system stability after interface hang;
*) wifi - improved WPA3 PMKSA handling when access-lists with custom passphrases are used;
*) wifi - make sniffer tool return an error when attempting to sniff with a radio which does not support it;
*) wifi - send channel switch announcements to clients when switching channels at requested re-select intervals;
*) wifi - use name-format also for local interfaces when provisioning;
*) wifi-qcom - add spectral-scan and spectral-history tools (CLI only);
*) wifi-qcom-ac - count dropped packets to "tx-drop" instead of "tx-error";
*) wifi-qcom-ac - improved memory allocating process;
*) winbox - added "Import Router ID" parameter under "Routing/BGP/VPN" menu;
*) winbox - added "Switch/QoS" menu for CRS3xx, CRS5xx, CCR2116 and CCR2216 devices;
*) winbox - added "Trace" column under "System/History" menu;
*) winbox - added configuration settings for ROSE;
*) winbox - added extra "File System" under "Format Drive" button;
*) winbox - added missing "Default Name" property for interfaces;
*) winbox - do not show "Last Logged In" and "Expire Password" when creating new system user;
*) winbox - fixed "Authority" property under "System/Certificates/Requests" menu;
*) winbox - fixed duplicated "MVRP Attributes" table;
*) winbox - fixed false invalid flag under "System/Ports/Remote Access" menu;
*) winbox - fixed issue with skin file appearing as unknown in user group menu (introduced in v7.15);
*) winbox - fixed signal bar "excellent" tooltip;
*) winbox - fixed Switch menu for RB1100AHx4 device;
*) winbox - improved QR code display;
*) winbox - moved DHCPv6 Server "Allow Dual Stack Queue" property from General to Queues tab;
*) winbox - moved Switch menu tabs to individual menus;
*) winbox - properly display available address-pools for DHCPv6 server configuration;
*) winbox - removed deprecated x86/CHR specific settings under "System/Resources" menu;
*) winbox - removed spare argument for "PFS Group" property under "IP/IPsec/Proposals" menu;
*) winbox - renamed configurable wifi property "Tx Power" to "Max Tx Power";
*) winbox - separated different Watchdog settings into logical tabs;
*) winbox - use CAP serial number with "Set Identity" button under "WiFi/Remote CAP" menu;
*) winbox - use correct default value for "Partition Offset" property;
*) winbox/webfig - fixed skins (introduced in v7.15);
*) wireless - allow unsetting signal-range and ssid-regext properties for capsman access-list;
*) wireless - fixed dynamic VLAN assignments for vlan-filtering bridge in certain cases;
*) wireless - limit antenna-gain property to 100;
*) www - log out inactive REST API users;
*) x86 - added missing PCI ids for bnx2x driver;
*) x86 - added RTL8156 driver support;
*) x86 - fixed missing serial ports with MCS9900;
What's new in 7.16 (2024-Sep-20 16:00):

*) 6to4 - fixed 6to4 tunnel LL address generation after system reboot;
*) 6to4 - improved system stability when using 6to4 tunnel without specified remote-address;
*) 6to4 - limit keepalive timeout maximum value;
*) address - added "S" flag for addresses that belong to a slave interface;
*) arm64 - fixed "disable-running-check" for ARM64 UEFI;
*) arm64 - increased reserved storage space for bootloader;
*) arm64/x86 - added rtl8111/8168/8411 firmware;
*) arp - fixed possible issue with invalid entries;
*) bgp - fixed BGP sessions missing vpnv6 afi;
*) bgp - fixed cluster-list and originator-id;
*) bgp - fixed corrupted as-path when received update with empty AS_PATH attribute (introduced in v7.15);
*) bgp - fixed minor logging typo;
*) bgp - fixed vpnv6 safi;
*) bgp - small logging improvements;
*) bridge - added dynamic tagged entry when VLAN interface is created on vlan-filtering bridge;
*) bridge - added forward-reserved-addresses property which controls forwarding of MAC 01:80:C2:00:00:0x range (separated from "protocol-mode=none" functionality, disabled by default after upgrade);
*) bridge - added L2 MDB support for IGMP snooping;
*) bridge - added max-learned-entries property for bridge;
*) bridge - added message about who created a dynamic VLAN entry;
*) bridge - added MVRP support for VLANs assigned to bridge;
*) bridge - do not allow duplicate ports;
*) bridge - fixed BPDU address when using "ether-type=0x88a8" configuration;
*) bridge - fixed MVRP leave;
*) bridge - fixed port "point-to-point" status after first link change;
*) bridge - fixed typo in filter and NAT error message;
*) bridge - improved system stability when removing MLAG configuration;
*) bridge - show invalid flag for ports that fails to be added to bridge (e.g. maximum port limit of 1024 is reached);
*) bth - improved stability on system time change;
*) certificate - added no-key-export parameter for import;
*) certificate - added support for cloud-dns challenge validation for (CLI only);
*) certificate - automatically parse uppercase symbols to lowercase when registering domain on Let's Encrypt;
*) certificate - improved DNS challenge error reporting for Let's Encrypt;
*) certificate - improved RSA key signature processing speed;
*) certificate - show validity beyond year 2038;
*) chr - added support for licensing over IPv6 network;
*) chr - fixed incorrect disk size for ARM64;
*) console - added "about" filters for "find" and "print where" commands;
*) console - added "verbose=progress" mode for import status updates, and verbose output only on failures;
*) console - added additional byte-array option to :convert command;
*) console - added dry-run parameter to simulate import of files and find syntax errors without making configuration changes (verbose only);
*) console - added limits for dst-start and dst-end clock properties;
*) console - added lock screen via :lock command;
*) console - added uppercase and lowercase transform modes to :convert command;
*) console - disallow ping command with empty address;
*) console - display hint when requesting specific argument syntax;
*) console - do not show default boot-os setting in export;
*) console - fixed an issue where certain MAC address can be interpreted as time value;
*) console - fixed negative values for gmt-offset clock property;
*) console - fixed output of ping command in certain cases;
*) console - fixed typo in firewall error message;
*) console - improved :serialize and :deserialize commands and added support for DSV (delimiter separated values) format;
*) console - improved large import file handling, error detection and stability;
*) console - improved stability when pasting a large input;
*) console - improved stability when removing script;
*) console - increased default width for bitrate type of columns;
*) console - removed follow-strict parameter;
*) console - show rest-api name for active user connections;
*) container - clear VETH address on container exit and mark interface as running only when VETH is in use;
*) defconf - configure the default-route property for PPP clients only on devices with a built-in modem;
*) detnet - properly detect "Internet" status when multiple detnet instances preset in network;
*) dhcp - added comment property for matchers, options and option sets;
*) dhcp - improved DHCP IPv4 and IPv6 client/relay/server underlying interface state change handling;
*) dhcp - improved insert-queue-before, parent-queue and allow-dual-stack-queue behavior;
*) dhcpv4-client - execute script on DNS server or gateway address change;
*) dhcpv4-server - added "class-id" parameter for DHCP server leases;
*) dhcpv4-server - added matcher ability to match substring;
*) dhcpv4-server - added name for "User-Class" option (77), "Authentication" option (90), "SIP-Servers-DHCP-Option" option (120) and "Unassigned" option (163-174) in debug logs;
*) dhcpv4-server - fixed setting and getting "next-server" property;
*) dhcpv4-server - increased lease offer timeout to 120 seconds;
*) dhcpv4-server - remove corresponding dynamic leases if their address-pool gets removed;
*) dhcpv4-server - show active-server and host-name in print active command;
*) dhcpv6-client - do not add default gateway twice when both prefix and address is acquired;
*) dhcpv6-client - fixed T1, T2, valid-lifetime and preferred-lifetime compliance with RFC8415 by using value 0;
*) dhcpv6-client - pause client and remove dynamically installed objects while it becomes invalid;
*) dhcpv6-client - release client on failed renew attempt;
*) dhcpv6-client - update gateway address for default route on renew;
*) dhcpv6-server - improved system stability;
*) discovery - added discover-interval setting;
*) discovery - added LLDP Port VLAN ID, Port And Protocol VLAN ID, VLAN Name TLVs support;
*) discovery - added LLDP-MED timeout;
*) discovery - changed default discover-interval setting from 60s to 30s;
*) discovery - set unknown bit for any unspecified link type in MAC/PHY TLV;
*) disk - added "wipe-quick" file-system option to format-drive command (CLI only);
*) disk - added log message when disks get added or removed;
*) disk - added simple test command to test device and filesystem speeds (CLI only);
*) disk - improved system stability;
*) disk - remove dummy "slot1" entries on CHR;
*) dns - added support for DoH with adlist;
*) dns - added support for DoH with static FWD entries;
*) dns - added support for mDNS proxy;
*) dns - improved imported adlist parsing;
*) dns - refactored adlist service internal processes and improved logging;
*) dns - refactored DNS service internal processes;
*) dns - show static entry type "A" field in console;
*) dude - fixed map element RouterOS package upgrade functionality;
*) ethernet - fixed port speed downshift functionality for CRS354 devices;
*) ethernet - improved system stability for Alpine CPUs when dealing with unexpected non-UDP/TCP packet transmit;
*) fetch - handle HTTP 401 status correctly;
*) fetch - improved logging;
*) file - renamed "creation-time" to "last-modified";
*) filesystem - improved boot speed after device is rebooted without proper shutdown;
*) filesystem - refactored internal processes to minimize sector writes;
*) firewall - added message when interface belonging to VRF is added in filter rules;
*) firewall - fixed an issue with unsetting src-address-type;
*) firewall - fixed IPv6 "nth" matcher showing up twice in help;
*) firewall - fixed issue that prevents restoring src-address-list and dst-addres-list properties using undo command;
*) firewall - removed unnecessary TLS host matcher from NAT tables;
*) health - fixed board-temperature for KNOT device (introduced in v7.15);
*) health - fixed bogus CPU temperature spikes for CCR2216 device;
*) health - fixed missing health for CRS112-8G-4S device (introduced in v7.15);
*) health - improved voltage measurements for RB912UAG-6HPnD and RB912UAG-5HPnD devices;
*) health - removed unnecessary health settings for RB921 and RB922 devices;
*) health - upgraded fan controller firmware to latest version;
*) hotspot - properly escape all reserved URI characters;
*) ike1 - removed unsupported NAT-D drafts with invalid payload numbers;
*) ike2 - improved performance by balancing multicore CPU usage for key exchange calculation;
*) install - allow to save old configuration during cdrom install;
*) install - fixed ARM64 cdrom install (introduced in v7.15);
*) iot - added an option to delete default LoRa servers and a button to recover them if needed;
*) iot - added an option to log LoRa filtered packets;
*) iot - added LoRa NetID and JoinEUI filtering for LNS and CUPS connections;
*) iot - added LoRa option to filter out proprietary packets;
*) iot - fixed incorrect LoRa filter export behavior;
*) iot - fixed LoRa inability to set SSL for LoRa servers via command line;
*) iot - fixed LoRa inability to use variables for GPS-spoofing setting;
*) ip - added max-sessions property for services;
*) ip/ipv6 - added multipath hash policy settings;
*) ipip6 - make IPv6 LL address random;
*) ipsec - changed default dpd-interval from 2 minutes to 8 seconds and dpd-maximum-failures from 5 to 4;
*) ipsec - improved installed SA statistics update;
*) ipv6 - added "d" deprecated flag for expired IPv6 SLAAC addresses;
*) ipv6 - allow to properly disable address when it is generated from pool;
*) ipv6 - allow to properly move IPv6 address from slave interface to a bridge interface;
*) ipv6 - do not allow adding address with invalid prefix when using pool;
*) ipv6 - do not allow to manually delete LL address;
*) ipv6 - fixed "no-dad" functionality;
*) ipv6 - fixed dynamic duplicate address showing when static address is already configured;
*) ipv6 - fixed pool allocated addresses missing after reboot;
*) ipv6 - fixed SLAAC address dynamic appearance;
*) ipv6 - improved handling of IPv6 address information;
*) ipv6 - improved LL address generation process;
*) ipv6 - properly initialize default ND "interface=all" entry;
*) ipv6 - respect APN settings for "add-default-route" and "use-peer-dns" also when "accept-router-advertisements=yes";
*) ipv6 - warn user that reboot is required in order to properly apply accept-router-advertisements changes;
*) isis - fixed filter-chain and filter-select settings;
*) isis - install IPv6 link-local gateways correctly;
*) l2tp - improved system stability;
*) l3hw - added per-VLAN packet and byte counters to compatible switches;
*) l3hw - disable L3HW on bonding modes that do not support it;
*) log - added basic validation for "disk-file-name" property;
*) lte - added "sms-protocol" setting in "/interface lte" menu (CLI only);
*) lte - fixed "at-chat" for DELL T99W175 (PID: 0x05c6 VID: 0x90d5);
*) lte - fixed cases where LTE interface would take long time to become ready after bootup for Chateau 5G and Chateau 5G R16 (introduced in v7.15);
*) lte - fixed cases where modem could be handled by multiple dialer instances;
*) lte - fixed modem firmware upgrade for Chateau 5G and Chateau 5G R16 (introduced in v7.15);
*) lte - fixed possible crash when enabling/disabling config-less modem interface;
*) lte - fixed R11e-LTE no traffic flow when modem with older firmware version is used;
*) lte - fixed support for Fibocom modem fm150-na;
*) lte - improved modem AT/modem port open;
*) lte - improvements to "/interface/lte/show-capabilities" command;
*) media - improved file indexing for DLNA;
*) modem - added authentication functionality to EC200A;
*) modem - fixed PPP link recovery when port unexpectedly removed and returned due to modem firmware crash;
*) modem - fixed unresponsive PPP link recovery when TX bandwidth was exceeding link capacity;
*) modem - improved support for KNOT BG77 modem firmware update;
*) mqtt - broker password is no longer exported unless "show-sensitive" flag is used;
*) netinstall-cli - added check for device and package architectures match;
*) netinstall-cli - added support for multiple device install;
*) netinstall-cli - allow mixed package architectures;
*) netwatch - added DNS probe;
*) netwatch - added ttl and accept-icmp-time-exceeded properties for ICMP probe;
*) netwatch - use time format according to ISO standard;
*) ospf - improved system stability during LSA monitoring;
*) ovpn - improved system stability;
*) pimsm - improved system stability;
*) poe-out - fixed low-voltage detection while PD is connected for KNOT device;
*) poe-out - fixed silent firmware upgrade fail on CRS112-8P-4S device (introduced in v7.15);
*) poe-out - upgraded firmware for SAMD20 PSE (AF/AT) controlled boards (the update will cause brief power interruption to PoE-out interfaces);
*) port - added IPv6 support for the "remote-access" feature;
*) ppp - added SIM hot-plug enable command to default init-string for KNOT and CME gateway;
*) ppp - added support for IPv6-only domain names to l2tp-client, ovpn-client and sstp-client;
*) ppp - automatically generate IPv6 firewall rules when filter-id is specified;
*) ppp - fixed dynamic queue default name (introduced in v7.15);
*) ppp - fixed PPP info parser showing error for BG77 modem running on KNOT AUX AT/modem port;
*) profiler - classify wifi processing as "wireless";
*) ptp - added PTP support for CCR2116-12G-4S+, CCR2216-1G-12XS-2XQ, CRS518-16XS-2XQ, CRS504-4XQ, CRS510-8XS-2XQ devices;
*) qos-hw - added H and I flags to queues;
*) qos-hw - added new monitoring properties for ports and global QoS stats;
*) qos-hw - added queue-buffers property to tx-manager;
*) qos-hw - allow port print stats, usage and pfc while QoS is disabled;

... a suivre ...
Bbox fibre Installation Bbox fibre / BBox fibre - accès impossible à de trop nombreux sites
« Dernier message par buddy le Aujourd'hui à 19:59:36 »

le "manque" d'IPv4 est aussi visible avec un autre périphérique ? Un smartphone en wifi par exemple ?
Si sur ton Pc portable, tu fais un redémarrage complet (menu démarrer, redémarrer, pas juste le mettre en veille), ça ne marche pas mieux ?
car à ce stade, on ne sait pas encore si le soucis vient de la BBOX ou du PC ...

Blue Networks Technologies Blue Networks Technologies / couper à St Martin de Londres
« Dernier message par piotr58 le Aujourd'hui à 19:45:27 »
Free non plus :

mais sur le 2ième DSLAM

Si je comprends bien cette suite.
La fibre départementale conduite par NumHérault et opérée par xpfibre/SFR passe à St Martin par un DSLAM Free qui est tombé en panne lundi midi.
Comme a son habitude free a mis presque 48h à trouver une solution (remplacement du matériel je suppose.

Ça sent le f… de gueule.

D'abord on peut constater que XPfibre/SFR n'a pas de redondance même au niveau national (coupure d'il y a quelques mois à Orléans).
C'est visiblement la même chose localement à St Martin. Ensuite cette "PME" passant par du matériel Free est incapable de faire intervenir son prestataire en moins de 48 H. Du très joli travail montrant le "vrai professionnalisme" :
Répartiteur : SML34
POP : bzn-crs16-1

Capacité FT : 1700
Répartiteur dégroupé par Free depuis le 05-01-2011

Du coup 48h foutu en l'air même pour ceux qui, travaillant localement, n'ont pu trouvé de solution de remplacement.

Nous vivons une époque moderne et "Le progrès fait rage et le futur ne manque [toujours] pas d’avenir" comme l'exprimait Phillipe Meyer dans les années… 1990.

Merci à tous ceux qui sont intervenus pour que cela ne dure pas trop longtemps.
Bbox fibre Installation Bbox fibre / BBox fibre - accès impossible à de trop nombreux sites
« Dernier message par Antoinel le Aujourd'hui à 19:34:39 »
J'ai une petite théorie, je vous laisse tenter un truc si vous n'avez rien à perdre : éteindre l'ONT (petit boitier blanc branché à la box si vous avez cette offre) ET éteindre la box pendant 2 heures minimum.
mobile Technologie mobile 5G / Orange ouvre les vannes de la 5G pour les JO
« Dernier message par jerome34 le Aujourd'hui à 19:33:15 »
Ils doivent peut être retiré l'option 5g ligne par ligne 😉

Ils feront une option 2G gratuite !
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