Auteur Sujet: La fibre Orange à 2Gbps, sur un routeur MikroTik 10Gbps CCR2004, via un ONT SFP+  (Lu 1044642 fois)

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  • Abonné Orange Fibre
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  • Messages: 34
  • Paris 75017
Well - I've given it a go and ordered a LXT-010G-D.

If it's anything like the TX-6610 I am using, then it should work...but hopefully at the full 950/600 (rather than 700/550 with the TX)...

I'll report back when it arrives and try set it up!


  • Abonné Orange adsl
  • *
  • Messages: 277
Ok, we can try.
Just ordered a LXT-010G-D as well, and will test & report on several Orange FR sites as i'll have the chance.
By any chance in coming products, do you plan to manufacture same FW/chipset as SFP stick ? (even limited to 1G)


  • Abonné Bbox fibre
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  • Messages: 354
  • 33
I'm about to do it too :) (need my bank to validate the xbest iban...)

Marcin, You came here to ask if you could sell some incoming LXT-010H-D, and as a result you sold some LXT-010G-D  :D :D :D


  • Abonné FAI autre
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  • Messages: 68
  • Pologne
@Marcin, please keep in mind that the ONT should pass the other VLAN's traffic onto the router for the TV services for exemple

By default, it will pass all vlans provisioned by Orange, but - Orange must configure EthernetUNI, not VEPI.
In case of funbox5 probably they provision so calles VEIP, but also such advanced devices can pretend to be signle port simple ONT from network perspecitive.


  • Abonné Orange Fibre
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  • Messages: 34
  • Paris 75017
By default, it will pass all vlans provisioned by Orange, but - Orange must configure EthernetUNI, not VEPI.
In case of funbox5 probably they provision so calles VEIP, but also such advanced devices can pretend to be signle port simple ONT from network perspecitive.

I have a feeling it is indeed set up by the upstream OLT and/or the livebox. If I recall correctly, @dmfr had his TX-6610 working in transparent mode, and mine is working with Control by OLT. I haven't had to do anything special regarding vlan setting on the ONT, and my opnsense functions perfectly with internet + TV (I have no need for the phone line). So I'm fairly optimistic on your LXT ONT.


  • Abonné FAI autre
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  • Messages: 68
  • Pologne
I have a feeling it is indeed set up by the upstream OLT and/or the livebox. If I recall correctly, @dmfr had his TX-6610 working in transparent mode, and mine is working with Control by OLT. I haven't had to do anything special regarding vlan setting on the ONT, and my opnsense functions perfectly with internet + TV (I have no need for the phone line). So I'm fairly optimistic on your LXT ONT.

Do you configure your ONT via WebGUI and you add /create vlan/WAN in there ?
If yes, then your ONT works in RGU mode (router) - using VEIP.

It is possible to simulate VEIP on simple SFU (L2 1x1), but it requires firmware adjustments.


  • Abonné Orange Fibre
  • *
  • Messages: 2
Bonjour à tous,
Tout d'abord, merci pour l'ensemble des travaux réalisés dans ce topic (j'ai pris mon temps pour lire une bonne partie ^^).
Un investissement sur la gamme Mikrotik CCR2004 me fait de l'oeil ahah :D .
Toutefois, j'ai "par chance" des équipements à la maison dont un RB3011 et deux Sercomm FGS202.
Est-ce que la méthode d'authentification en DHCPv4/DHCPv6 est viable dans ce cas là (j'ai configuré les éléments dans RouterOS sans brancher sur le réseau FAI pour le moment), s'il vous plaît ?
L'idée principale est de pouvoir faire du DHCPv6-PD pour répartir le préfix (sur des environnements différents).

Petit PS: Orange force pour passer sur la LB5 maintenant. Sniff la LB4. ^^'


  • Abonné Orange Fibre
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  • Messages: 950
  • Draguignan 83
SI tu arrives à faire monter la L1 (OSI) alors oui, DHCP V4 et V6 fonctionnent sur les offres grand plublic, et DHCP PD aussi pour IPV6


  • Abonné Orange Fibre
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  • Messages: 48
  • Lyon (69)
Hi Marcin, welcome to the lafibre forum. Your PLNOG18 videos on ONT design have been inspiring to me. I was hoping that one day you would land here or on openwrt and help us with ONT interoperability.
Since you know so much about Realtek, do you know why SFP with the RTL9601C SoC responds as RTL8672?

# cat /proc/cpuinfo
system type : RTL8672

This is the chip for SFP V-SOL V2801F sold in Europe under the names CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2.0 or OPTON GP801R.


  • Abonné FAI autre
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  • Messages: 68
  • Pologne
Hi Marcin, welcome to the lafibre forum. Your PLNOG18 videos on ONT design have been inspiring to me. I was hoping that one day you would land here or on openwrt and help us with ONT interoperability.
Since you know so much about Realtek, do you know why SFP with the RTL9601C SoC responds as RTL8672?

# cat /proc/cpuinfo
system type : RTL8672

This is the chip for SFP V-SOL V2801F sold in Europe under the names CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2.0 or OPTON GP801R.

RTL8672 is a platform, I mean - there is a separate chipset with this name for routers. And RTL9601C/D is 8672 plarform with additional function blocks necessary for GPON operations.
This is how SoC's are build. There are function blocks that vendor can add/remove depending functionality they need.

Same way, it is quite simple to replace MIPS core with ARM core, as this is just a CPU block. Of course on silicon level it is bit more complicate to prepare proper litoghraphy for manucacturing ;)
Similar way intel makes CPUs, and sometimes it is cheaper to build a common silicon desing and later on to disable/enable function blocks/cores by fuses.

Btw, OPTON is a brand of, my former neighbor from same housing block. They just resell equipment making lot of money, but without support.


  • Abonné Orange Fibre
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  • Messages: 7
  • Altorf (67)
Sorry that I use english, but my french is very bad even if my grandmother was born in France..

I have a product (ending up software tunning) - that will be 1 PORT GPON ONT, but - this signle LAN port is 2.5G.

In general I'am a little vendor for Polish market - we do have LXT-010G-D (1x1G) and - new model (LXT-010H-D) has 2.5G LAN port (copper, 2500BaseT).
It is compatibile with all major OLT vendors (Like ALU/Nokia, widely used by Orange) and also Huawei.

No problem adjusting GPON Serial number and similar config parameters.

you can write to me directly to

That’s great news for Orange customers if your ONT can work !
Do you have any timeline when the LXT-010H-D would be available ?

Si cet ONT fonctionne chez Orange je pense que le nouveau routeur Mikrotik est un bon choix avec son port 2.5G et SFP+ (RB5009UG+S+IN) qu’en pensez vous ?


  • Abonné Orange Fibre
  • *
  • Messages: 48
  • Lyon (69)
RTL8672 is a platform, I mean - there is a separate chipset with this name for routers. And RTL9601C/D is 8672 plarform with additional function blocks necessary for GPON operations.

Thanks this explains everything.

I have added the LXT-010G-D to my ONT collection. Having well designed hardware is as important as software support. I believe your products will be champions in this area.
Do you have a forum or github where we could ask questions and help each other regarding your ONTs.

For my current collection, would you mind sharing privately a configuration change for the V5812G to make it work with non-native ONTs?