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paul@router:~$ show configurationfirewall { all-ping enable broadcast-ping disable ipv6-receive-redirects disable ipv6-src-route disable ip-src-route disable log-martians enable name WAN_IN { default-action drop description "WAN to internal" enable-default-log rule 10 { action accept description "Allow established/related" state { established enable related enable } } rule 20 { action drop description "Drop invalid state" log enable state { invalid enable } } } name WAN_LOCAL { default-action drop description "WAN to router" enable-default-log rule 10 { action accept description "Allow established/related" state { established enable related enable } } rule 20 { action drop description "Drop invalid state" log enable state { invalid enable } } rule 30 { action accept description "Limit pings" limit { burst 1 rate 50/minute } log enable protocol icmp } rule 40 { action accept description " Allow local port 443 for Dynamic DNS" destination { port 443 } log enable protocol tcp source { } } rule 50 { action accept description "Allow SSH to router" destination { port 2222 } log enable protocol tcp } } receive-redirects disable send-redirects enable source-validation disable syn-cookies enable}interfaces { ethernet eth0 { address dhcp description Wan dhcp-options { name-server no-update } duplex auto firewall { in { name WAN_IN } local { name WAN_LOCAL } } speed auto } ethernet eth1 { address description "Lan Parents" duplex auto speed auto } ethernet eth2 { address description "Lan paul" duplex auto speed auto } loopback lo { }}service { dhcp-server { disabled false hostfile-update enable shared-network-name LAN1 { authoritative enable subnet { default-router dns-server lease 86400 start { stop } } } shared-network-name LAN2 { authoritative enable subnet { default-router dns-server lease 86400 start { stop } static-mapping pc-paul { ip-address mac-address ec:b3:d2:xx:xx:xx } } } static-arp disable use-dnsmasq enable } dns { dynamic { interface eth0 { service dyndns { host-name router.xxx.com login xxx.com-router password **************** protocol dyndns2 server www.xxx.com } web dyndns } } forwarding { cache-size 400 listen-on eth1 listen-on eth2 name-server name-server options domain-needed options bogus-priv options all-servers } } gui { http-port 80 https-port 443 older-ciphers enable } nat { rule 5010 { description "masquerade for WAN" outbound-interface eth0 type masquerade } } ssh { disable-password-authentication port 2222 protocol-version v2 } ubnt-discover { disable } unms { disable }}system { domain-name xxx.com host-name router ip { override-hostname-ip <ip de la box> } login { user paul { authentication { encrypted-password **************** plaintext-password **************** public-keys rsa-key-20200706 { key **************** type ssh-rsa } } full-name "" level admin } } name-server ntp { server 0.ubnt.pool.ntp.org { } server 1.ubnt.pool.ntp.org { } server 2.ubnt.pool.ntp.org { } server 3.ubnt.pool.ntp.org { } } offload { hwnat disable ipsec disable ipv4 { forwarding enable } } syslog { global { facility all { level notice } facility protocols { level debug } } } time-zone Europe/Paris traffic-analysis { dpi disable export disable }}