Auteur Sujet: No public IP  (Lu 2867 fois)

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No public IP
« le: 01 octobre 2023 à 09:10:36 »
I using Nokia XS-010X-Q is XGS-PON connect direct to Mikrotik RB5009 and I got Privet IP instead Public IP and on other side I also using LXT-010S-H from LEOX connected to Mikrotik RB5009 and I got Public IP

is there any missing setting on Nokia XS-010X-Q is XGS-PON?

I have to fiber Optic connection from tow different ISP
First ISP install Huawei HG8240T5
Second ISP install Nokia XS-010X-Q is XGS-PON and connect it to Huawei OptiXstar LG8245x6-8N-30
any help or comment please?


  • Abonné Orange Fibre
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  • Toulon (83)
    • HSGMII intégriste
No public IP
« Réponse #1 le: 02 octobre 2023 à 05:58:41 »
Please be more specific about the operators you are connecting to.


  • Abonné Orange Fibre
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No public IP
« Réponse #2 le: 02 octobre 2023 à 09:13:22 »
my bet is on ooredoo.
if it is the case we won't know as the forum focuses on mostly french service providers. They all have some sort of specific configuration to hinder clients for connecting anything too easily on their network.
also more and more service providers now provide IP in CGNAT ranges. A public IPv4 address is an option, when it is an option. Moving to IPv6 is the way to go, also if the service provider provides IPv6 connectivity.