Auteur Sujet: [English] Oragne Fiber PPPoE and Juniper SRX240  (Lu 2971 fois)

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[English] Oragne Fiber PPPoE and Juniper SRX240
« le: 26 juillet 2016 à 18:19:22 »
First of all I need say sorry that this thread is in English, but I do not speak French. Right now I'm in near Paris and I'm trying to set up Orange fiber with Juniper SRX240 firewall which I need to use instead of original Livebox. Someone on reddit sent me here, because you might help me out.

The thing is that I got some problem, that cause no route to internet - there is no connection. I need a help. I will start from showing what I have done.
Configured interfaces looks like this:
interfaces {
    ge-0/0/0 {
        description Orange;
        unit 0 {
            encapsulation ppp-over-ether;
            vlan-id 835;


pp0 {
    description "PPPoE interface to Orange Interenet";
    unit 0 {
        ppp-options {
            chap {
                default-chap-secret "xxx"; ## SECRET-DATA
                local-name fti/xxx;
            pap {
                default-password "xxx"; ## SECRET-DATA
                local-name fti/xxx;
                local-password "xxx"; ## SECRET-DATA
        pppoe-options {
            underlying-interface ge-0/0/0.0;
            idle-timeout 0;
            auto-reconnect 3;
        family inet {
            mtu 1492;
There is a static routing:
routing-options {
    static {
        route {
            qualified-next-hop pp0.0
But there is no record in routing table:
> show route

inet.0: 2 destinations, 2 routes (2 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both

x.x.x.x/x      *[Direct/0] 11:42:51
                    > via vlan.0
x.x.x.x/x    *[Local/0] 11:43:14
                      Local via vlan.0
From the othe hand it seems that PPPoE session is up:
> show pppoe interfaces
pp0.0 Index 71
  State: Session up, Session ID: 22512,
  Service name: None,
  Session AC name: xxxx, Configured AC name: None,
  Remote MAC address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx,
  Session uptime: 00:00:36 ago,
  Auto-reconnect timeout: 3 seconds, Idle timeout: Never,
  Underlying interface: ge-0/0/0.0 Index 70

> show pppoe statistics
Active PPPoE sessions: 1
  PacketType                       Sent         Received
    PADI                            113                0
    PADO                              0              113
    PADR                            113                0
    PADS                              0              113
    PADT                              0              112
    Service name error                0                0
    AC system error                   0                0
    Generic error                     0                0
    Malformed packets                 0                0
    Unknown packets                   0                0
    PADI                              0
    PADO                              0
    PADR                              0
  Receive Error Counters
    PADI                              0
    PADO                              0
    PADR                              0
    PADS                              0

Afer reading almost whole Internet and after making post on reddit I figure out that PADT packets should not appear in statistics. My co-worker which speaks French called Orange to make sure that fti login and password is OK. What else might cause PADT packets?

Can you please help me? Thanks from advance!


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[English] Oragne Fiber PPPoE and Juniper SRX240
« Réponse #1 le: 27 juillet 2016 à 13:50:59 »
From the othe hand it seems that PPPoE session is up:
> show pppoe statistics
Active PPPoE sessions: 1
  PacketType                       Sent         Received
    PADI                            113                0
    PADO                              0              113
    PADR                            113                0
    PADS                              0              113
    PADT                              0              112

Afer reading almost whole Internet and after making post on reddit I figure out that PADT packets should not appear in statistics. My co-worker which speaks French called Orange to make sure that fti login and password is OK. What else might cause PADT packets?

You're right, something is wrong. Are you sure that the ppp interface stays up? You have as much padt packets as PADIs, which shows that it terminates after each try.

Your 'show interfaces terse' from reddit shows pp0 up, but pp0.0 is down. Maybe IPCP fails for some reason. Can you enable some kind of debug ppp on the Juniper?