Auteur Sujet: La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6  (Lu 5435 fois)

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  • Alpes Maritimes (06)
La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« le: 08 avril 2016 à 15:06:16 »

on en a déjà parlé quelque part sur le forum mais je ne sais plus où.

Ma livebox ne m'attribue plus d'ipv6 (elle est allumé depuis 15 jours et 12h, j'avais une ipv6 hier soir, je n'en ai plus cet aprem.)
Elle a bien une ipv6 mais n'en attribue plus ni à mon PC (Windows 8.1), ni à mon téléphone sous Android .. et l'état du DHCPv6 est vide (cf PJ ci-dessous).

Un reboot fonctionnera surement, je tenterai çà demain.


  • Abonné Orange Fibre
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La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« Réponse #1 le: 08 avril 2016 à 15:08:15 »
J'avais des problèmes de plantage du serveur DHCP en IPv4, ça doit être le même problème en IPv6.


  • Expert
  • Abonné Free fibre
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  • Messages: 15 312
  • Alpes Maritimes (06)
La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« Réponse #2 le: 08 avril 2016 à 15:10:26 »
Je pense aussi.

J'ai posté au cas où quelqu'un d'Orange voudrait que je vérifie 1 ou 2 choses.


  • Expert
  • Abonné Free fibre
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  • Messages: 15 312
  • Alpes Maritimes (06)
La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« Réponse #3 le: 08 avril 2016 à 15:42:40 »
L'IPV6 est revenu toute seule ...

Je n'ai fait que me connecter à l'interface admin de la box pour faire l'impr écran + passer un coup de téléphone ...

Et pourtant, je n'ai pas eu d'ipv6 pendant plusieurs dizaines de minutes, même en faisant ipconfig /renew et en redémarrant mon téléphone.


  • Modérateur
  • Abonné Bbox fibre
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  • Messages: 9 137
  • Paris (75)
La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« Réponse #4 le: 08 avril 2016 à 16:19:52 »
Ca n'est pas le DHCPv6 qui attribue les IPv6 mais l'autoconf par annonce du routeur (RA). Le DHCPv6 de la livebox est 'stateless' et sert a fournir la config DNS aux postes qui ne supportent pas l'option RDDNS (config DNS via RA), notamment les postes sous Windows.

Dans le cas présent, c'était plutôt le service RA de la livebox qui était planté. On a constaté que cela arrivait parfois, dans certains cas il faut meme faire un reset complet de la livebox, un reboot n'étant pas suffisant.

la ligne "état DHCPv6" est toujours vide meme quand tout marche.
« Modifié: 08 avril 2016 à 19:31:29 par kgersen »

Breizh 29

  • Client Bouygues Fibre +
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La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« Réponse #5 le: 08 avril 2016 à 19:31:11 »
En espérent que la LB4 soit mieux fini  :-\


  • Modérateur
  • Abonné Bbox fibre
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  • Messages: 9 137
  • Paris (75)
La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« Réponse #6 le: 08 avril 2016 à 19:32:17 »
A mon avis c'est quasi le meme code dedans. Y'aura peut-être un upgrade du firmware de la LB3 quand la LB4 sortira.

Breizh 29

  • Client Bouygues Fibre +
  • Abonné Orange Fibre
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  • Messages: 4 277
  • Guilers 29820 (29N)
La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« Réponse #7 le: 08 avril 2016 à 19:47:33 »
A mon avis c'est quasi le meme code dedans. Y'aura peut-être un upgrade du firmware de la LB3 quand la LB4 sortira.
Il doit y avoir plus un souci matériel sur la LB3, prix trop tiré vers le bas peut-être.
J'ai du mal à croire que les codeurs aient "4 pieds" à ce point.
« Modifié: 09 avril 2016 à 07:31:06 par Breizh 29 »


  • Modérateur
  • Abonné Bbox fibre
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  • Messages: 9 137
  • Paris (75)
La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« Réponse #8 le: 08 avril 2016 à 20:09:16 »
Tu crois que c'est matériel ? J'en doute vu les composants qu'il y a dedans.

Le code est complexe parce qu'il utilise le SDN d'Orange via ODL Nemo (
La configuration de chaque fonction est décrite dans un langage de description (.odl) qui est "exécuté" dans la livebox par un binaire spécifique qui pilote la conf Linux en dessous.

par exemple, voila ce qui configure radvd :
using "";

acl {
    group cwmpd read,write,execute;

persistent object RouterAdvertisement {
persistent object InterfaceSetting[16] {
write with interfaceOnWrite;
delete with interfaceOnDelete;

 * Shows the status of radvd interface.
 * The Status is set to 'Enabled' if the interface configuration is validated and contains all mandatory parameters.
 * 'Disabled' if the Enable is false.
 * 'Error' if Enable is true but errors occured.
 * @version V4.6
read-only string Status {
constraint enum ["Disabled", "Enabled", "Error"];
default "Disabled";
read with radvdInterfaceStatusOnRead;

 * NeMo interface name.
 * @version V4.6
persistent string Interface;

 * The maximum time allowed between sending unsolicited multicast router advertisements from the interface, in seconds.
 * Must be no less than 4 seconds and no greater than 1800 seconds. Default: 600 seconds
 * @version V4.6
persistent uint32 MaxRtrAdvInterval = 600;

 * The minimum time allowed between sending unsolicited multicast router advertisements from the interface, in seconds.
 * Must be no less than 3 seconds and no greater than 0.75 * MaxRtrAdvInterval. Default: 0.33 * MaxRtrAdvInterval
 * @version V4.6
persistent uint32 MinRtrAdvInterval = 200;

 * The lifetime associated with the default router in units of seconds. The maximum value corresponds to 18.2hours.
 * A lifetime of 0 indicates that the router is not a default router and should not appear on the default router list.
 * The router lifetime applies only to the router’s usefulness as a default router;
 * it does  not apply to information contained in other message fields or options.
 * Options that need time limitsfor their information include their own lifetime fields.
 * Must be either zero or between MaxRtrAdvInterval and 9000 seconds.Default: 3 * MaxRtrAdvInterval (Minimum 1 second).
 * @version V4.6
persistent uint32 AdvDefaultLifetime = 1800;

 * The lifetime associated with the Recursive DNS Server Option (RDNSS) 
 * Must be between MaxRtrAdvInterval and 2 * MaxRtrAdvInterval.
 * @version V4.6
persistent uint32 AdvRDNSSLifetime = 1200;
 * The lifetime associated with the DNS Search List Option (DNSSL) 
 * Must be between MaxRtrAdvInterval and 2 * MaxRtrAdvInterval.
 * @version V4.6
persistent uint32 AdvDNSSLLifetime = 1200;
 * When set, hosts use the administered (stateful) protocol for address autoconfiguration in addition to any addresses autoconfigured using stateless address autoconfiguration.
 * The use of this flag is described in RFC 4862. Default: off
 * @version V4.6
persistent bool AdvManagedFlag = false;

 * When  set, hosts use the administered (stateful) protocol for autoconfiguration of other (non-address) information.
 * The use of this flag is described in RFC 4862. Default: off
 * @version V4.6
persistent bool AdvOtherConfigFlag = false;

 * When set, the Home Agent signals it  supports  Mobile  Router  registrations  (specified  by  NEMO  Basic).
 * AdvHomeAgentInfo must also be set when using this option. Default: off
 * @version V4.6
persistent bool AdvMobileAgentFlag = false;

 * The preference associated with the default router, as either "low", "medium", or "high". Default: medium
 * @version V4.6
persistent string AdvPreferredRouterFlag {
constraint enum ["high", "medium", "low"];
default "high";

 * @version V4.6
persistent bool AdvNDProxyFlag = false;

 * The MTU option is used in router advertisement messages to insure that all nodes on a link use the same MTU value
 * in those cases where the link MTU is not well known.
 * If specified, i.e. not 0, must not be smaller than 1280 and not greater than the maximum MTU allowed for this link
 * (e.g. ethernet has a maximum MTU of 1500. See RFC 4864). Default: 0
 * @version V4.6
persistent uint32 AdvLinkMTU = 0;

 * The time, in milliseconds, that a node assumes a neighbor is reachable after having received a reachability confirmation.
 * Used by the Neighbor Unreachability Detection algorithm (see Section 7.3 of RFC 4861). A value of zero means unspecified (by this router).
 * Must be no greater than 3,600,000 milliseconds (1 hour).
 * Default: 0
 * @version V4.6
persistent uint32 AdvReachableTime = 0;

 * The time, in milliseconds, between retransmitted Neighbor Solicitation messages.
 * Used by  address resolution and the Neighbor Unreachability Detection algorithm (see Sections 7.2 and 7.3 of RFC 4861). 
 * A value of zero means unspecified (by this router).
 * Default: 0
 * @version V4.6
persistent uint32 AdvRetransTimer = 0;

 * The default value that should be placed in the Hop Count field of the IP header for outgoing (unicast) IP packets.
 * The value should be set to the current diameter of the Internet. The value zero means unspecified (by this router).
 * Default: 64
 * @version V4.6
persistent uint32 AdvCurHopLimit = 64;

 * Enable/disable interface, when changing this value, the configuration will be applied and saved.
 * @version V4.6
persistent bool Enable = false;

 * IPv6 DNS server specification. [IPv6 Address][,IPv6 Address]*
 * @version V4.6
persistent string DNS {
write with interfaceDNSOnWrite;

 * Domain name to be configured on the interface.
 * @version V4.6
persistent string Domain = home;

 * The prefix object contains infomration about the ip ranges to be advertised. Up to 4 ip addresses can be used.
 * @version V4.6
persistent object Prefix[8] {
write with prefixOnWrite;
delete with prefixOnDelete;

 * IPV6 prefix to be advertised.
 * @version V4.6
string Prefix;

 * Shows the status of the radvd prefix.
 * The Status is set to Enabled if the prefix configuration contains all mandatory parameters, Enable is set to true and the parameters are validated.
 * @version V4.6
read-only string Status {
constraint enum ["Disabled", "Enabled", "Error"];
default "Disabled";
read with radvdPrefixStatusOnRead;

 * True indicates the selected DNS server(s) must be used.
 * @version V4.6
persistent bool UseDNS = true;

 * IPv6 DNS server specification. [IPv6 Address][,IPv6 Address]*
 * @version V4.6
persistent string DNS;

 * The length of time in seconds (relative to the time the packet is sent) that the  prefix  is valid  for the  purpose of on-link determination.
 * The symbolic value infinity represents infinity (i.e. a value of all one bits (0xffffffff)). The valid lifetime is also used by RFC 4862.
 * Note that clients will ignore AdvValidLifetime of an existing prefix if the lifetime is below two hours, as required in RFC 4862 Section 5.5.3 point e).
 * @version V4.6
persistent uint32 AdvValidLifetime = 86400;

 * The length of time in seconds (relative to the time the packet is sent) that addresses  generated from the prefix via stateless address autoconfiguration remain preferred.
 * The symbolic value infinity represents infinity (i.e. a value of all one bits (0xffffffff)). See RFC 4862.
 * @version V4.6
persistent uint32 AdvPreferredLifetime = 14400;

 * Enable/disable the specific prefix configuration. When changing this value the configuration will be applied and saved.
 * @version V4.6
persistent bool Enable;

 * Volatile parameter to indicate the status of the service.
 * The Status parameter is set to Enabled, if all mandatory parameters are configured, Enable is set to true, all parameters are validated and radvd is running.
 * @version V4.6
read-only string Status {
constraint enum ["Enabled", "Disabled", "Error"];
default "Disabled";
read with radvdStatusOnRead;

 * General enable/disable parameter for the radvd service. When changing this value, the configuration will be applied and saved.
 * @version V4.6
persistent bool Enable {
write with enableOnWrite;
default false;

 * Add a prefix configuration for a specific interface.
 * All but the prefix information is persistent
 * The configuration is also saved automatically, unless if the request_createObject_not_persistent attribute is set in the request,
 * in that case any Prefix that is created by this function is marked as non-persistent.
 * Different errors can be returned:
 *  RA_ROOT_NOT_FOUND: this means the root element RouterAdvertisement is not found in the datamodel,
 *  RA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: * This means a parameter cannot be configured correctly.
 *  RA_PARAMETER_MISSING: A mandatory parameter is missing.
 *  RA_OBJECT_NOT_CREATED: A error occurred during the creation of an interface or a prefix instance.
 * @param interface - (NeMo) interface to enable router advertisements on.
 * @param key - [a-zA-Z0-9]*, key element to refer to a specific prefix.
 * @param prefix - valid ipv6 prefix definition.
 * @param dns - dns server specified as an ipv6 address.
 * @param validLifetime - advertised time until expiration
 * @param preferredLifetime - advertised time until deprecation
 * @param enable - Enable or Disable the prefix configuration.
 * @return - key of the generated prefix, or empty if the function fails.
 * @version V4.6
string setPrefixToInterface(mandatory string interface, mandatory string key, mandatory string prefix, string dns, uint32 validLifetime, uint32 preferredLifetime, mandatory bool enable);

 * Delete a prefix configuration from a specific interface.
 * The configuration is applied and saved after function completed successfully.
 * Different errors can be returned:
 *  RA_ROOT_NOT_FOUND: this means the root element RouterAdvertisement is not found in the datamodel,
 *  RA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: This means a parameter cannot be configured correctly.
 *  RA_PARAMETER_MISSING: A mandatory parameter is missing.
 * @param interface - (NeMo) interface to enable router advertisements on.
 * @param key - [a-zA-Z0-9]*, key element to refer to a specific prefix.
 * @return None
 * @version V4.6
void deletePrefixFromInterface(mandatory string interface, mandatory string key);

 * Return a list of prefixes of a given interface.
 * Different errors can be returned:
 *  RA_ROOT_NOT_FOUND: The root element RouterAdvertisement is not found in the datamodel.
 *  RA_PARAMETER_MISSING: The mandatory interface parameter is missing.
 *  RA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: The interface parameter can not be found in the data-model.
 * @param interface - (NeMo) interface to retrieve the prefixes from.
 * @return - A list of all prefixes of a given interface.
 * @version V4.6
list getPrefixFromInterface(mandatory string interface);

 * Set the dns server on an interface, if it exists already nothing will be added
 * @return nothing or an error if something goes wrong.
 * @param interface - NeMo interface name(lan)
 * @param dns - comma separated list of ipv6 addresses.
 * @param restart - if true(default), restart radvd immediatly
 * @version V4.6
void setDNSServer(mandatory string interface, mandatory string dns, bool restart);

 * Delete dns server from interface.
 * @return nothing if function is successfull, return an error 'RA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND' if the interface is invalid.
 * @param interface - mandatory parameter to indicate interface. (lan)
 * @param dns - servers to be deleted, a comma separated list is supported, if no dns server is provided, delete all dnsservers.
 * @param restart - if true(default), restart radvd immediatly
 * @version V4.6
void deleteDNSServer(mandatory string interface, string dns, bool restart);

 * Get all dns servers of a certain interface, interface can be empty, NULL
 * @param interface - NeMo interface name(lan)
 * @return list of DNS Servers or an error 'RA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND' if the interface is invalid.
 * @version V4.6
string getDNSServer(string interface);

 * Set Interface related parameters, if the interface name does not exist, create it, otherwise change it.
 * @param interface - NeMo interface name.
 * @param enable - Enable or disable interface section
 * @param maxRtrAdvInterval - MaxRtrAdvInterval
 * @param minRtrAdvInterval - MinRtrAdvInterval
 * @param defaultLifetime - AdvDefaultLifetime
 * @param RDNSSLifetime - AdvRDNSSLifetime
 * @param DNSSLLifetime - AdvDNSSLLifetime
 * @param MTU - define Link MTU for this interface.
 * @param reachableTime - AdvReachableTime
 * @param retransmitTimer - AdvRetransTimer
 * @param dns - DNS Servers
 * @param domain - Domain
 * @return none if successful. error 'RA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND' if the interface is invalid.
 * @version V5.1
void setInterfaceSetting(mandatory string interface, mandatory bool enable, uint32 maxRtrAdvInterval, uint32 minRtrAdvInterval, uint32 defaultLifetime, uint32 AdvRDNSSLifetime, uint32 AdvDNSSLLifetime, uint32 MTU, uint32 reachableTime, uint32 retransmitTimer, string dns, dsn domain);

/** @location sah_services_raplugin /ra.odl */

Bref je ne serais pas étonné que ces composants 'SDN' soit buggés.

Ca peut être aussi tout bêtement leur version de radvd qui n'a pas été mise a jour...


  • Réseau Deux Sarres (57)
  • Abonné MilkyWan
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  • Messages: 3 321
  • Sarrebourg (57)
La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« Réponse #9 le: 08 avril 2016 à 22:08:15 »
Sympa de voir du SDN en prod' :)

Concernant la Livebox, la page "Livebox FLOSS" n'est plus publiée par Orange ?

Il y avait quelques ressources intéressantes sur ce petit site web.

Perso, ma LB Play ne lance plus le service DHCPv6,  donc je n'ai plus d'annonce pour l'adresse IPv6 link-local de la box...

Surprenant.  :o


  • Modérateur
  • Abonné Bbox fibre
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  • Messages: 9 137
  • Paris (75)
La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« Réponse #10 le: 09 avril 2016 à 00:22:27 »
Tout le FLOSS d'Orange est maintenant centralisé ici:

Si t'es sous Linux tu peux utilisé "radvdump" pour voir si les RA sont toujours actifs (lancer la commande et attendre un peu).

Sous Windows ou Mac, on peut voir ca avec une capture réseau éventuellement (j'ai fait un post la dessus quelque part sur le forum mais je le ne retrouve plus).


  • Modérateur
  • Abonné Bbox fibre
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  • Messages: 9 137
  • Paris (75)
La Livebox ne distribue plus d'ipv6
« Réponse #11 le: 16 avril 2016 à 21:35:27 »