Vodafone Espagne affirme avoir économisé 28,52 GWh de consommation totale d'énergie au cours de la dernière année fiscale, grâce à l'adoption d'une infrastructure à fibres optiques plus économe en énergie.
Source en anglais : Vodafone Spain plans to have decommissioned a total of 1,107 ADSL installations by mid-2024 as it accelerates the migration from copper-wire to fibre-optic services. To date, the UK-owned telco has already switched off 881 DSL service nodes – around 80% of the total – and claims to have saved 28.52GWh in total energy consumption in the last fiscal year as a result of switching to more energy efficient fibre infrastructure. Vodafone Spain’s fibre broadband access network already passes 10.6 million premises.